The 3in1 program is a program where there are three lecturers consisting of one lecturer from Universitas Brawijaya, one lecturer from an overseas university and one practitioner. This program has been initiated by Universitas Brawijaya since 2017 and applied in each faculty and study program in stages.

In 2021, the Chinese Literature Studies Program of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences participated in applying the 3in1 program in the Chinese Correspondence and Information Technology in Business and Office courses. This program is implemented from 6 October 2021 to 22 November 2021 online through the Dingtalk and Zoom Meeting applications. Learning activities in this course are filled by five lecturers consisting of a professor from Changzhou Institute of Technology (CIT) named Jin Li Zao, three practitioners namely Dr. Soen Ai Ling, M.A., Ph.D, Selly Wijaya Liu, S.S, and Wei Baoqian, as well as a lecturer in the Chinese Literature Study Program, Lailal Muna Firdaus, MTCSOL. Each lecturer filled 4 meetings with a duration of 120-180 minutes. 

The students attended the entire 3in1 program with enthusiasm. Through this program, students are expected to know, understand, master and be able to practice all forms of business and office text patterns according to the material so that later they can be implemented in lectures and the world of work.

(Camar Aulia Prasetya)