Organizational Structure of Chinese Literature Study Program
Chinese Literature | Faculty of Cultural Studies | Brawijaya University
A. The Head of the Study Program has the function of leading the development of the Study Program, including:
- Planning, implementing, and evaluating the lecture program every semester.
- Planning the annual budget plan and work program.
- Evaluating the performance of lecturers through reviewing the workload of lecturers every semester.
- Evaluating student achievement in both academic and non-academic fields by optimizing the role of Academic Supervisors and Student Advisors.
- Involving internal and external stakeholders in the preparation of the study program curriculum so that the curriculum is in accordance with market demands. Internal stakeholders include students, lecturers, and education staff. The external stakeholders consist of alumni, schools, and the general public.
- Arranging the lecture schedule after first considering the input from each of the course lecturers.
- Evaluating lecture programs and lecturer performance through several techniques and strategies, among others, monitoring the implementation of lectures through checking attendance and lecture minutes, reviewing the syllabus/SAP, and Midterm Test/UTS and Final Exam/UAS questions made by the lecturer after being verified by the scientific team, preparing instruments and media for evaluating the performance of study programs then analyzing them, and following up on them.
- Arranging the lecture schedule after first considering the input from each of the course lecturers.
B. The Curriculum Coordinator has the duties and functions of assisting the Head of Study Program in the following tasks:
- Developing curriculum and distribution of courses in study programs.
- Planning, implementing, and evaluating the lecture program every semester.
- Developing class schedules and evaluation of lecture programs.
- Monitoring the implementation of lectures through checking attendance and lecture minutes, reviewing the syllabus/SAP, and Midterm Test/UTS and Final Exam/UAS questions. Preparing performance evaluation instruments and media.
C. The Student Coordinator has the following main duties and functions:
- Help in conveying various information to students
- Assisting the Head of Study Program to coordinate with students in student activities
The good governance system in Chinese Language and Culture has reflected the five pillars of credible, transparent, accountable, responsible and fair governance to ensure the realization of the vision and the implementation of the mission to achieve the goals.